Coming events with Mooji in 2018

Updated 27 June, 2018

London, UK

Date:         9 July 2018
Event:        An Evening with Mooji
Place:        London, UK
Booking     More info here

London, UK

Date:         12 July 2018
Event:        An Evening with Mooji
Place:        London, UK
Booking     More info here

Harleem, Netherlands

Date:         4 August 2018
Event:        Satsang with Mooji
Place:        Harleem, Netherlands
Booking     More info here

Kasteel de Berckt, Netherlands

Date:         9-14 August 2018
Event:        5-day Silent Retreat
Place:        Kasteel de Berckt, Netherlands
Booking     More info here
Online        Click to book online event
Online Price £100 GBP (Early bird price of £80 until 1 July, 2018)

Zmar, Portugal

Date:         26 September – 3 October 2018
Event:        7-day Silent Retreat, Residential
Place:        Zmar, Portugal
Booking     Registration will open on 3rd July
Booking     More info
Online        Booking online event opens 3rd July
Online Price £130 GBP (Early bird price of £105 until 20 August, 2018)


Passed events of 2018

Date:        23-27 February
Event:       Lisbon Intensvie, No residential
Place:       Lisbon, Portugal

Zmar, Portugal

Date:         11-18 April 2018
Event:        7-day Silent Retreat, Residential
Place:        Zmar, Portugal
Booking     Click to book residential
Online        Click to book online event
Online Price £130 GBP (Early bird price of £105 until 15 March, 2018)

Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Date:         22 April 2018
Event:        Sunday Satsang
Place:        Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Booking     Application required 

This year there is a change to the way Sunday Satsang is being offered at Monte Sahaja. Previously it was possible to attend without prior registration. However, as Sunday Satsangs are part of the program of Monte Sahaja, they are for sincere seekers with a burning desire for Truth. These are not ‘drop-in’ Satsangs.

If you feel a genuine connection with Moojibaba and his pointings and wish to come to Sunday Satsang, you are welcome to apply. Applications for Sunday Satsang will open mid to late March and a link will be posted here.


Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Date:         6 May 2018
Event:        Sunday Satsang
Place:        Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Booking     Application required

This year there is a change to the way Sunday Satsang is being offered at Monte Sahaja. Previously it was possible to attend without prior registration. However, as Sunday Satsangs are part of the program of Monte Sahaja, they are for sincere seekers with a burning desire for Truth. These are not ‘drop-in’ Satsangs.

If you feel a genuine connection with Moojibaba and his pointings and wish to come to Sunday Satsang, you are welcome to apply. Applications for Sunday Satsang will open mid to late March and a link will be posted here.


Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Date:         13 May 2018
Event:        Sunday Satsang
Place:        Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Booking     Application required

This year there is a change to the way Sunday Satsang is being offered at Monte Sahaja. Previously it was possible to attend without prior registration. However, as Sunday Satsangs are part of the program of Monte Sahaja, they are for sincere seekers with a burning desire for Truth. These are not ‘drop-in’ Satsangs.

If you feel a genuine connection with Moojibaba and his pointings and wish to come to Sunday Satsang, you are welcome to apply. Applications for Sunday Satsang will open mid to late March and a link will be posted here.


Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Date:         26 May – 2 June 2018
Event:        7-day One Sangha Gathering, Residential
Place:        Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Date:         16 – 23 June 2018
Event:        7-day Advanced Silent Retreat, Residential
Place:        Monte Sahaja, Portugal


Passed events of 2017